Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tidying up the Old Year...Preparing for the New

Everyone knows Spring Cleaning...that convulsion of scrubbing and freshening that heralds warmer weather and sunnier skies. But another natural moment for "freshening up" is at the turn of the year! It can be a time to gently tuck away the holiday decorations, clear away the dust and clutter of the old year, and prepare a clear surface for the adventure of the new!

Since we leave the holiday decos around until at least 12th Night, my "turn of the year" cleaning today is on the little chores that are ignored in the pre-holiday hustle and bustle: dusting leaves of my houseplants, washing windows (we have a regularly used fireplace...and the windows show it!), reconsidering what is needed in the kitchen and decluttering and deep cleaning that special space (a spasm of holiday baking let's one know if one really needs all the fancy gadgets...or if they just get in the way).

On other days, I will sort through the paperwork that accumulates...filing and tossing as needed...noting what was *not* accomplished and deciding if that task should carry through to the new year or be struck off the list as unnecessary...noting was *was* accomplished and recognising it.

How do you make way for the turning of the year?

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